Wednesday 27 April 2011

Day three in NOLA

Finally... an update! Just a quick one because we're in the middle of a mission... literally and figuratively... :)

We're all safe and sound on Annunciation Street in New Orleans. To see a picture of the BEAUTIFUL house in which we're being hosted, click here (it's called House of the Risen Son).

We arrived safe and sound early Monday morning to one of our YWAM leaders, William. After organizing vans, we motored it to Annunciation Street, chose bunk beds, ate lunch then went for a ferry ride across the Mississippi river and toured the French Quarters of New Orleans. We were treated to some incredible street music and shopped a little (the kids are mostly interested in tearing Mardi Gras beads from trees, to tell the truth.) Supper, worship, then early to bed... meant early to rise, ready for the real work to begin.

Showers, breakfast, some worship time and devotional.... after our morning routine, we headed out to LeBoeuf street to meet a man named Laurence who is afflicted with Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS). He has a beautiful home, but has been unable to take care of the exterior since 2009 when he was diagnosed with the disease. He is a man full of hope and faith, and is continually telling us that we are answers to his prayers as we are giving his house a facelift by painting, removing and replacing siding, gardening, roofing... you name it, we're doing it. It's busy, and we have Mr. Wilson here to make sure that no one's slacking.

In case anybody's wondering, we're really safe here - the area we're staying in used to be a slummier area, but it's turned around a lot since YWAM was given this house - they did a lot to turn the community around. We go for walks every day - this morning on our walk, we met a man named Myles who moved to Texas right after Katrina, and only came back to NOLA recently. After hearing about the work we were doing, he prayed for us, southern Baptist style, and went on his way. We have all been so touched by the faith of everyone around us - what we've seen so far of New Orleans is full of faith! Oh, and yesterday an old-fashioned ice cream truck made its way down our street - wait till you see the pictures. We have a feeling that the ice cream truck will be down our street at least a few more times!

Our YWAM leaders cook for us, sing for us and affirm us in our faith. We are well fed, well loved and having an amazing experience so far. As we continue on this journey, please pray for each of us that our hearts become more and more open every day.

Much love,

The Mission New Orleans team

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